The Worshipful Company of Clothworkers

The Worshipful Company of Clothworkers are supporting BA/BSc Textiles by offering a 3-Year Educational Assistance Grant – Technical Education and Vocational Support to a suitable applicant that shows prowess and ability in textiles design and construction. The grant is specifically for the costs relating to the full program of study for BA/BSc Textiles enrolling in 2024 and is for £57,500. Payment will be made in installments during each year of study subject to completion of all modules and progression into the next academic year.

How to Apply

You must apply for and receive an offer to study full-time on the BA/BSc Textiles programme before you can be considered for the grant.

For this coming academic year, the grant will be offered to an outstanding Textile Designer, Surface Designer, or Textile Craft Practitioner that best meets the eligibility criteria. This will be determined via UCAS application and portfolio review at one of our Applicant Visits Days.

The Worshipful Company of Clothworkers have a long association with BA/BSc Textiles and have provided financial support to qualifying students undertaking a placement year for many years. For the last 4 years 2 students have been awarded £10,000 each to support them during their placement and in their final year of study.

The Worshipful Company of Woolmen

The Worshipful Company of Woolmen have supported the Textiles department for many years, helping fund equipment, award prizes, and support students with bursaries. Students have won prizes that recognise their ability and contribution as a student working with wool undertaking an overseas/or UK industrial placement based on wool textiles, or for their work developing textiles with a 50% or more wool base, and our students have been awarded the Peter Valpy Millenium Memorial Bursary final year BA/BSc manufacturing or fashion design marketing & promotion.

As Educational Partners of UKFT (The UK Fashion and Textiles Association) our students have successfully applied for the UKFT/Drapers Bursary which offers support for students undertaking a fashion or textiles related internship at a UK business. Read about one of our students placement adventure here

The Worshipful Company of Weavers

The Worshipful Company of Weavers have a long association with BA/BSc Textiles. Huddersfield students are 3 times winners of the prestigious Stuart Hollander Award (in the period of 2018-2023). They have offered scholarship support to 2 – 3 students most years, providing an average monetary support in final year of study of £1500. Their Entry to Work Scheme (in conjunction with Clothworkers) has benefitted our graduates, allowing them to secure jobs in the weave industry with companies such as Camira, Johstons of Elgin, Dormeuil, Joshua Ellis, Vanners and WoolTEX. They support students to attend the MiiT (Making it in Textiles) conference which enhances our students’ knowledge of the textile industry and provides networking opportunities, and their Support for Education bids have enabled us to invest in extra equipment and resources for our weave specialists.