Event Management, Business with Hospitality, Sport and Leisure and Tourism Mgt

An introduction to our Business with Hospitality, Sport and Leisure, Travel and Tourism and Event Management courses, followed by a Q&A session. Includes course structure, entry requirements, placement opportunities and facilities.

SessionTimeJoin session
Events Management 12.30pm - 2.00pm Join in
Business with Hospitality, Sport and Leisure and
Travel and Tourism Management
2.00pm - 3.30pm Join in


Dr Andrew Jenkins

Message from our Subject Leader

Dr Andrew Jenkins, Subject Leader

In this session you'll learn about studying Events Management, Business with Hospitality, Sport and Leisure and Travel and Tourism Management at the University of Huddersfield. The academic team will talk through the courses available as well as the support we offer, placements and career opportunities.

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Our courses equip you with the practical business skills required for a variety of service sector organisations, whether your interests lie in events, hospitality or tourism.

Photo of the Huddersfield Business School viewed from across the canal.

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