The Immigration & Compliance Team is based in the International Office and provides a comprehensive visa advice service, offering guidance to current and prospective international students as well as colleagues on a range of immigration matters.

Most of our international students are studying on a Tier 4 (General) Student Visa. For information about some other types of visas, please see the Other visa types page on the Immigration team’s website or contact the Immigration & Compliance Team in the International Office.

​The frequently asked questions below are based on some of the more common questions we're asked by colleagues across the University. For any additional questions or if you wish to discuss anything related to visas or compliance matters, contact the Immigration & Compliance Team.

Frequently asked questions

What is a Tier 4 Student Visa?

This visa category is suitable for...

Who should apply for a Tier 4 Student Visa?

Any student with a nationality from outside of the EU or EEA…

How do students apply for a Tier 4 Student Visa?

Unless applying inside the UK, students should apply in their home country…

University's Tier 4 Sponsor duties

To be able to recruit and teach International students the University must “sponsor” international students…

When can the University issue a CAS?

By issuing a CAS, the University is sponsoring (accepting responsibility) for that student

What information does the University need to keep

he University needs to keep and maintain the following data…

Are there any post-study work options available to

Yes, there are currently four schemes running…

Can students get a work visa after finishing study

Yes, there are currently four schemes running…

Visiting students, researchers and academics

Can international students, researchers or academics come to the University for a short visit?

Who can we enrol?

We can enrol (subject to other University policies) any student whose visa gives them a right to study in the UK

Students undertaking work placements

Tier 4 students are able to undertake work placements as long as…

Reporting work placements

Reporting details of students undertaking placements to the Immigration team

Tier 4 students changing course

Changing course within the UK is not straightforward for Tier 4 students

Attendance monitoring

The University has a centralised Attendance Monitoring Policy for all students.

Authorised and non-authorise absence

International students (with timetabled teaching sessions)…

Authorised absence categories

Absence is authorised in certain categories…

Suspensions, withdrawals and finishing a course ea

If a Tier 4 student suspends their studies or is withdrawn from their course…

Extending and/or repeating part of a course

The Immigration advice on extensions is usually based on the student’s academic situation.

Resuming students

Suspended students planning to resume study should contact their School in the first instance…

Staying in the UK after study

A student may stay in the UK after finishing a course…

Time limits on studying as a Tier 4 student

The Home Office have put in place time limits for Tier 4 students…

How students can contact the immigration team

Students with questions about their visas …

Visa checkpoints

Visa checkpoints are in addition to the usual attendance requirements …

How staff in Schools can contact the Immigration T

A member of staff with Immigration or Compliance related query can…