Who needs to complete visa checkpoints?

All continuing students on a Student (or Tier 4) visa who have received the visa checkpoint email from the immigration team. 
You don’t need to complete if you have only recently enrolled on a new course, or if you are studying on a different visa e.g. Dependant visa.

Step 1

  • When the online visa checkpoint is open, login to MyHud using a PC on campus or your mobile when using the University's Wi-Fi network (Eduroam).
  • Click the “International” tab (select from the menu if using mobile), on the next page click “Visa checkpoint status” tab.
  • On the next screen you should tick the box: “I am re-registering for this term at Huddersfield University”
    and submit/save.
  • Sponsored students only: Only if you are a sponsored student (your Government, Embassy or International Company pays your tuition fees) you should also tick the following: “By ticking this box you give consent to the University sharing the 
    information referred to above with your sponsor”

Step 2

  • After completing the Visa Checkpoint, you must also check, and if needed, update your UK address and contact information in “My Details” section.

Step 3

  • Only if you have obtained a new passport, visa or BRP-card since the last visa checkpoint, please email scans/photos of the new documents to us at VisaCheckpoint@hud.ac.uk


Please note

Failure to complete the Visa Checkpoints could affect your studies at the University and your University as well as your visa status. See our website for more information about visa checkpoints, including FAQs.

Email all checkpoint related questions to VisaCheckpoint@hud.ac.uk or attend an online Immigration Drop-in Session.

Visa Checkpoints

What are these and who needs to attend?

BRP expiring soon?

Is your BRP due to expire on 31 December 2024?

Student visa Spot-checks

Student visa Spot-check inspections

Police Registration

Do I need to register with the police?

Working whilst studying

Undertaking part-time work in the UK

Work placements

Undertaking a work placement as part of your course

Changes to your study

Changes in your circumstances and their impact on your visa

Extending your visa

Applying for a visa extension in the UK