International Year of the Nurse and Midwife Creative Exhibition Showcase!

Did you know that 2020 is Florence Nightingale’s bicentennial year, designated by World Health Organisation as the first ever global Year of the Nurse and Midwife! Nurses and Midwives, including those here at the University of Huddersfield, have made a vital contribution in this extraordinarily difficult year.

We’re inviting children and young people from around the world to help us celebrate the International Year of the Nurse and Midwife via an online exhibition! Tell us what nurses and midwives mean to you by drawing a picture, writing a poem, creating a story, using photography, knitting, making a craft… as creative as you like!

Criteria for submission: 
Please avoid including people’s faces in any photographs. If any photographs include the faces of individuals these will be pixilated/blurred to ensure anonymity. 
• Submissions must be produced by children and young people aged 16 and under
• Submissions must celebrate nurses and midwives
• Submissions don’t have to refer to COVID-19, unless you want it to.
• Maximum of 2 submissions per child

Once you’ve created your piece, snap it or scan it (or if it’s a poem/story simply type it up) and send it to We plan to publish all submissions online (on this website), on media channels, in print and (if written), audibly so that they’re available for everyone to see and hear, but it’s important that we obtain your permission to do this.

This is our Time 2020 Year Of The Nurse And Midwife

Please note

  • By emailing your submission, you are consenting for us to publish it, and its content, in the online exhibition, on media channels, in print and (if written) audibly.
  • We do not need any identifying information to accompany your submission, but you can provide the first name and age of the child/young person so you will be acknowledged. Please provide the county/state and country if you wish to do so. By submitting this information, you are consenting for us to publish it in the online exhibition, on media channels, in print and (if written) audibly.
  • Once submitted, you will not be able to withdraw the submission from the online exhibition, media channels, print or audio.
  • Once submitted, we will delete your email address.
  • If you would like to use the submissions in academic (research and teaching) and other not-for-profit work you are welcome to. However, please acknowledge this online exhibition and provide a link to it. Any other use is not allowed.
  • The Creative Exhibition Showcase has received ethical approval from the School of Human & Health Sciences Research Ethics and Integrity Committee.
A nurse by Ruby to celebrate the Year of Nurse and Midwife


A nurse by Ruby, aged 5

A midwife by Ruby to celebrate the Year of Nurse and Midwife


A midwife by Ruby, aged 5

A female nurse drawn by Rachel to celebrate the Year of Nursing and Midwife


A nurse by Rachel, aged 9

A midwife by Claudia aged 8


A midwife by Claudia, aged 8

A nurse by Claudia aged 8


A nurse by Claudia, aged 8

A nurse by Jonah aged 6


A nurse by Jonah, aged 6

Nurses give injections by Jonah aged 6


Nurses giving injections by Jonah, aged 6

I love NHS by Tara aged 7


NHS by Tara, aged 7

NHS by Tessa aged 9


NHS by Tessa, aged 9

Jack aged 9

Jack (Australia)

2020 by Jack, aged 9

Lachlan aged 9

Lachlan (Australia)

2020 by Lachlan, aged 9


Tahlia (Australia)

A health professional by Tahlia

Jasmine, Joyti, Raymond aged 9

Jasmine, Joyti, Raymond (Australia)

A nurse by Jasmine, Joyti, Raymond, aged 9

Jordan aged 10

Jordan (Australia)

A nurse by Jordan, aged 10

Taha aged 9

Taha (Australia)

A nurse by Taha, aged 9

Claire aged 8

Claire (Australia)

Awesome nurses by Claire, aged 8

Oom aged 9

Oom (Australia)

A health professional by Oom

Sam aged 9

Sam (Australia)

Celebration by Sam, aged 9

Patrick aged 9

Patrick (Australia)

Nurses vs Covid-19 by Patrick, aged 9

Thank you by Adeline

Adeline (Australia)

Thank you by Adeline, aged 9

Alina aged 9

Alina (Australia)

Thank you by Alina, aged 9

Belinda aged 8

Belinda (Australia)

Thank you by Belinda, aged 8

Gemma aged 8

Gemma (Australia)

Thank you by Gemma, aged 8

Holly aged 9

Holly (Australia)

Thank you by Holly, aged 9

Siara aged 9

Siara (Australia)

Thank you by Siara, aged 9

A nurse

Isaac (Darlington)

A nurse by Isaac

A nurse

Jacob (Darlington)

A nurse by Jacob

A nurse

Kiley-tdward (Darlington)

A nurse by Kiley-tdward

A nurse

Lucas (Darlington)

A nurse by Lucas

A nurse

Lucie (Darlington)

A nurse and a midwife by Lucie

Item image

Lucy (Darlington)

A health professional looking after patients by Lucy

A nurse

Mia (Darlington)

By Mia

Item image

Olivia (Darlington)

By Olivia

Item image

Olivia (Darlington)

By Olivia

A nurse

Ranae (Darlington)

By Ranae

Item image

Abigail (Darlington)

By Abigail

Item image

Alex (Darlington)

A nurse by Alex

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Alyssa (Darlington)

A nurse by Alyssa

Item image

Alyssa (Darlington)

By Alyssa

Item image

Dylan (Darlington)

By Dylan

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Ella (Darlington)

By Ella

Item image

Emily (Darlington)

By Emily

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Evelyn (Darlington)

Nurses by Evelyn

Item image

Finley (Darlington)

By Finley

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Georgia (Darlington)

By Georgia

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Harry (Darlington)

By Harry

Item image

Rosie (Darlington)

By Rosie

A nurse giving flu vaccine

Peter (Huddersfield)

A nurse giving a flu jab by Peter aged 2.5

a community nurse

Peter (Huddersfield)

A community nurse by Peter aged 2.5

Item image


By Fatimah aged 6

At the University of Huddersfield, we offer a range of nursing and midwifery courses and we’re proud that our student nurses and midwives are currently helping local NHS Trusts in the fight against COVID-19.

Students and staff from the University of Huddersfield's School of Human and Health Science tell us why they are proud to be a nurse or midwife.

'Amazing, honoured, passionate' Nursing and Midwifery students tell us how they feel about being a nurse or midwife in one word.

Nursing and Midwifery students and staff at the University of Huddersfield tell us who inspires them in their current practice, and why.

For more information on the International Year of the Nurse and Midwife visit: