We are proud of the relationships we have with a wide range of health and care organisations, alongside businesses and private organisations. Working collaboratively, we can provide a range of expert academic services to support and strengthen organisational learning from project management to the creation of innovation and enterprise.
Healthcare students from the University of Huddersfield have helped cricket fans at Headingley identify potentially serious health issues.
Read about our partnership with North Yorkshire Fire and Rescue Service.
Read about our student's involvement in International Paramedics Day.
Student paramedics tested in airport emergency exercise.
Find out more about our research into long arm practice supervision.
Read about our NEY Regional Paramedic Deep Dive: Practice Based Learning project.
Click here to find out more about our Mobile Clinic for Health Education England
Read our testimonial from Kirklees Active Leisure (KAL)
Click here to read a short testimonial from our partners at Thriving Kirklees
Our Multi-Professional Preceptor e-Compendium is developed in partnership with NHS England National AHP Preceptorship and Foundation Support Programme
Click here to read a short testimonial from Rob Webster CBE, Chief Executive of the NHS West Yorkshire Integrated Care Board.
Click here to read a short testimonial from Laura Macgregor, Groups support worker & mental health project assistant
Click to read a short testimonial from Carmen Taylor.