
Registering with a Doctor

If you are working for six months or more, it is important for you to register with a GP (General Practitioner) also known as a Doctor. You must register with a GP within a mile radius of where you live to be eligible for free health care. A list of local GPs and further information can be found on the NHS website.

If for any reason you are taken ill and have not registered with a GP, you can go to the North Kirklees NHS Primary Care Emergency Centre (Walk in Centre) at the Dewsbury and District Hospital.

University Health Centre

There is a GP practice just next to the main University campus.  More information about that practice can be found on their website.


If appropriate, a doctor may issue you with a prescription. This is medicine which you would collect from a pharmacy. Prescriptions issued by a doctor incur a charge - £9.65 per item at present. If you need to be on continued medication, you may find it cheaper to get a Prescription Pre-payment Certificate.  Your doctor will be able to advise you further.


There are many pharmacies/chemists in Huddersfield.  Some of them are open late. Expert help and advice is provided by trained professionals on a wide range of health issues.  For a list of pharmacies in the local area please visit the website.

Medical Insurance

Any staff or spouse here for less than six months (and not covered as above) are advised to take out medical insurance unless you are from an EU country or a country with a reciprocal health agreement. It is best to do this in your home country as medical insurance in the UK can be very expensive.

Huddersfield Royal Infirmary

The Huddersfield Royal Infirmary is the closest hospital to the University campus.  They offer a full range of day case, outpatient services and an accident and emergency department.  Further information can be found on the NHS website.

Accident and Emergency (A&E)

An Accident and Emergency (A&E) department deals with genuine life-threatening emergencies. A&E treatment is free for everyone in the case of accidents and other emergencies via hospital accident and emergency departments although there may be a small charge in the case of road traffic accidents if you are taken to hospital by ambulance. In an emergency you should dial 999 and ask for an ambulance. This call is free of charge and can be made from any telephone.

For non-urgent problems i.e. cold, hay fever, you can consult a pharmacist at your local chemist. 

HC11 Forms

If you are on a low income, you may be eligible to receive help towards the cost of prescriptions, dental treatment and opticians.  An HC11 leaflet and form is available at all these service providers, pharmacies and online on the NHS website and outlines who is eligible.


We would encourage you to register with an NHS dentist.

Always check if the dentist offers NHS treatment (there is a scale of small, fixed charges) as some dentists do not offer this. NHS dental care is available in an emergency if it is clinically necessary, whether or not you have a regular dentist.

Emergency and out-of-hours NHS dental care will cost you £25.80 at present. After this you may have to make another appointment for separate non-urgent treatment, where you will have to pay a second charge in the relevant treatment band.


Anyone who needs optical treatment can make an appointment with any optician of their choice. There is a minimum charge for eye tests.

Display Screen Equipment users may be eligible for a free eye test voucher.


Smoking is not permitted in any University building and it is illegal to smoke in any enclosed public space. When you are outside, you will need to check whether you are in a no smoking zone as sometimes these are outside of buildings to protect people working inside.


ActiveHud is the University’s Gym.  They have partnered with Kirklees Active Leisure to provide a great value Gym, Class and Swim offer to students and staff at the University. 

More information can be found on the ActiveHud website


At the University the health and wellbeing of our staff is a priority.  The University is accredited by the Workplace Wellbeing Charter, the national accreditation standard that recognises an organisation’s commitment to improving the lives of those who work here. This accreditation demonstrates our commitment to creating a culture that values health and wellbeing.

More information can be found on our Wellbeing webpage.