Kirklees College Students placement at the University

In 2019 the University started a collaboration with Kirklees College on the Canalside Project; giving foundation level students hands on experience with our Grounds Maintenance team as part of an annual project. Students gain a variety of transferable skills while understanding the principles of managing land for biodiversity.

This project has been nominated for awards such as the 'AUDE Award for Reaching Higher' and has resulted in students completing work placements and securing employment elsewhere at the end of their programme.

The Canal side Allotment space transformation

Over the last 4 years the University of Huddersfield have been working with the Foundation Learning Team at Kirklees College supporting various programmes with work experience at the University. The foundation Learning Department at Kirklees College offers various courses to school leavers who have barriers to learning; these could be a learning difficulty, a social or emotional need, a behavioural issue or a mental health vulnerability.

The opportunities for work experience at the University has offered the Kirklees College Students the chance to gain self confidence, independence, self-esteem and to shine, as well as to experience and learn the fundamentals of the 'working' environment.

In September 2022, approximately 12 students and their mentors from the Practical Skills Programme commenced their experience at the University and were given the project to regenerate and create a safe, practical, peaceful and beautiful space where staff and students can spend a relaxing time away from their studies and work. They created space for and constructed 11 planters for a student and staff canal side allotment, picnic tables to relax at, and even 3 'bug and wildlife hotels', where little creatures can hide away.

The University would like to thank the students and the staff at Kirklees College for all of the hard work and effort they have made, in all weathers, to create this beautiful space that we will use for years to come.

The Kirklees College Students said...



'We worked on the canal side area which was overgrown. We cleared the ground and layered it with sheets and wood chippings then decorated the planters and put new benches and decorated the finishing touches. I enjoyed using the leaf blower the most because it was very fast and easy to clean up the place and enjoyed using the ear defenders and the interesting technology.'

Lockside planter 1a Palettes 1 Lockside planters 2i


'We did gardening and cleared the leaves we planted new plants such as raspberries. I enjoyed spending time at the University campus because the canteen was fun with great pizza and a very good atmosphere.'


'Teamwork with my friends. I enjoyed using my muscles when we moved soil in the wheelbarrows. I liked coming to a different place.'


'We filled planters with compost and moved a lot of kilo grams worth that took ages. We planted some herb planters. I have used the wheelbarrow to carry stuff to the compost heap, lots of cutting back and lifting and shifting. I enjoyed digging hard roots out and I really enjoyed planting the lavender, as it made the area seem nicer.'

Kirklees information Bunting 3 Woodland walkway




'I have swept up with a brush, cutting back leaves and plants using the secateurs. I have also planted out. I enjoyed colouring the bunting as I love to colour.'

Planter and ducks Bunting 1a Rhubarb Planter with plants


'We swept the leaves around the campus area and used rakes to clear up and use it for the compost. We planted new plants. We cleared of weeds and made the place look pretty. I enjoyed designing and making the bunting for the launch event. Planting new plants such as lavender, black berry bush because I love plants, they look beautiful, also I'm a creative person who likes making things.'


'We have made planters, filled them up with soil. We cleared the area of weeds and leaves so it looks more presentable and ready for the new plants. We have covered areas with bark and trimmed overgrown areas. cleared any rubbish and litter. We painted and decorated the palettes. We made out own bug hotel in a team using palettes, twigs, leaves etc.

Bug hotel 1 Bug Hotel 2 Bug Hotel 3 Canal side picnic tables

I enjoyed trimming the overgrown grass near the entrance/front of the university. Also enjoyed putting new plants. I liked using the trimmer as it was fun, I like new plants and making the area look better.'