", "buttontext" : "Find out more", "buttonlink" : "/open-days/postgraduate/" } },"International" : {"title" : "International","link" : "/international/","children" : [{"title" : "Our global community","link" : "/international/your-global-community/"},{"title" : "Connect with your regional officer","link" : "/international/connect-with-your-regional-officer/"},{"title" : "Applicants ","link" : "/international/applicants/"},{"title" : "International Arrival and Enrolment ","link" : "/international/leaving-for-the-uk/"},{"title" : "Meet Us","link" : "/international/meet-us/"},{"title" : "International Information Day","link" : "/international/international-information-day/"},{"title" : "Chat with our students","link" : "/chat-with-our-students/"},{"title" : "Visa and Immigration","link" : "/international/immigration/"},{"title" : "YourHud","link" : "/international/your-hud/"}],"featured" : [{"title" : "Courses and entry requirements", "desc" : "Explore our course portfolio ", "link" : "/international/courses-and-entry-requirements/", "rank" : "null", "icon" : "fas fa-language" },{"title" : "Fees and funding ", "desc" : "Discover our competitive fees ", "link" : "/international/fees-and-funding/", "rank" : "null", "icon" : "fas fa-money-bill-alt" },{"title" : "Applying to the University", "desc" : "For international students", "link" : "/international/applying-to-the-university/", "rank" : "null", "icon" : "fas fa-book" },{"title" : "Scholarships opportunities ", "desc" : "See if you are eligible ", "link" : "/international/scholarships/", "rank" : "null", "icon" : "fas fa-life-ring" }],"cta" : { "html" : "", "buttontext" : "Book Now", "buttonlink" : "/international/international-information-day/" } },"Research, innovation and skills" : {"title" : "Research, innovation and skills","link" : "/research/","children" : [{"title" : "REF 2021","link" : "https://research.hud.ac.uk/strategy/ref/"},{"title" : "Ways for business to work with us","link" : "https://research.hud.ac.uk/business/"},{"title" : "Research Impact","link" : "https://research.hud.ac.uk/impact/"},{"title" : "Our academic experts","link" : "https://pure.hud.ac.uk/en/persons/"},{"title" : "Research strategy and governance","link" : "https://research.hud.ac.uk/strategy/"}],"featured" : [{"title" : "Skilled people and training", "desc" : "Excellent training for staff", "link" : "https://research.hud.ac.uk/skilled-people/", "rank" : "null", "icon" : "fas fa-wrench" },{"title" : "Research degrees", "desc" : "Step by step help to apply", "link" : "https://hud.ac.uk/postgraduate/research/", "rank" : "null", "icon" : "fas fa-flask" },{"title" : "Institutes and centres", "desc" : "Interdisciplinary research", "link" : "https://research.hud.ac.uk/institutes-centres/", "rank" : "null", "icon" : "fas fa-university" },{"title" : "The Graduate School", "desc" : "Enhance your potential", "link" : "https://students.hud.ac.uk/grad/graduate-school/", "rank" : "5", "icon" : "fas fa-graduation-cap" }],"cta" : { "html" : "\n
The cost of an apprenticeship will depend on the subject and course your employee undertakes. However, the cost of studying an apprenticeship may be part-covered or fully covered by the Apprenticeship Levy, depending on your circumstances as an employer.
The Apprenticeship Levy is a payment that is required by all employers whose annual wage bill is greater than £3 million annually.
It is paid through the organisations PAYE alongside income tax and National Insurance.
Employers that meet this criterion will pay 0.5% of their payroll amount each month as a levy tax. This can then be reinvested back into your workforce in the form of an apprenticeship.
The Government applies a top-up of 10% to the funds that enter the account each month and funds will expire 24 months after they enter the account unless they are spent on apprenticeships.
If the annual pay wage bill for your organisation is less than £3 million annually, then you will not be required to pay the levy tax.
However, there are still options available for employers to access levy funds to invest in apprentices.
Small and medium sized employers (SME) can take advantage of the co-investment scheme where you are required to pay 5% of the apprenticeship fees and the remaining 95% will be funded by the Government.
SME’s may also receive funding via a levy transfer which is where the apprenticeship fees are gifted from a levy-paying employer who is able to transfer up to 25% of their unused levy funds.
For more information on levy transfers and how to apply, please get in touch.
The University doesn’t dictate salary expectations. However, we do expect it at least complies with the National Apprenticeship Minimum Wage.
Everything Employers need to know about apprenticeships, registering your staff and funding.
A fees and funding guide for apprentices or people thinking about becoming an apprentice.