Affordable and clean energy 2020

As part of its commitment to achieve Carbon Neutrality (Scope 1/2) by 2030, the University has committed to address energy efficiency issues in its existing estate. The same commitment describes the overall approach that will be taken to carbon management and reducing carbon dioxide emissions. It specifically addresses the need to achieve efficiency to reduce overall energy consumption, through reviews to identify areas where energy use (and wastage) is highest.

The University is reviewing opportunities to increase the proportion of renewable energy that it uses, and has committed to significant investments in PV infrastructure in the coming two years.

The University targets BREEAM Excellent in all new builds, aiming for best practice levels of energy efficiency in those projects.

Considering energy more generally, the University has a long-standing commitment on ethical investment. The University does not directly invest in fossil fuel linked businesses.  Our Socially Responsible (Ethical) Investment Policy (contained within the Treasury Management Policy) states that “the University will not invest directly into organisations whose values do not reflect those of the University with regard to social, environmental and humanitarian concern.”