Research, Innovation and Knowledge Exchange

Huddersfield Business School combines a broad base of academic research excellence with skills, expertise and experience in developing innovative work and engaging in knowledge exchange activity. We work to produce research that not only makes valuable contributions to key academic debates, but also has real world impact in ways that improve the world we live in.

Postgraduate students doing groupwork

Postgraduate Research

Business School combines a broad base of academic excellence and expertise with a focus on pioneering research.

Smaller version of research photo


Read a selection of impact case studies from Huddersfield Business School here.

Research Institutes and Centres

Business School interior

Behaviour Research

The research area of the Behavioural Research Centre (BRC) lies at the intersection of several behavioural science disciplines.

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Sustainability, Responsibility, Governance, Ethics

Centre for Sustainability, Responsibility, Governance and Ethics (SURGE)

Banner image for the Northern Productivity Hub (NPH)

Northern Productivity Hub

The Northern Productivity Hub (NPH) focuses on aspects of 'Productivity Improvement' across a broad spectrum of research areas.

The new Oastler Building from the turning circle of the nearby road.

Centre for Law, Environment and Rights

The Centre for Law, Environment and Rights (CLEAR) engages in research to understand the role of law both locally and around the world.

Biomimetics product design

Biomimetic Societal Futures

The Centre for Biomimetic Societal Futures is a new multi-disciplinary research centre within the University of Huddersfield, and based in Huddersfield Business School.