Student and Graduate Talent

Student and Graduate Talent

Student and graduate talent is a great way to inject fresh ideas and knowledge into your organisation and gain competitive advantage. Opportunities are available for market research, marketing, or other business consultancy projects, in addition to student placement, internship, or work experience.


Student Placements

The University of Huddersfield strongly promotes placement opportunities and has been regarded as one of the UK’s top providers of "sandwich" courses for many years, with our Employability and Placements Team won the Best University Placement Service in 2021 NUE Awards. 

Work placements are a very important element of our undergraduate programmes – in addition to enabling students to apply their learning and acquire practical experience in the workplace, research shows that students who have completed a placement are better prepared to enter the job market.  

Employers can access student talent by recruiting students for a one-year placement from a wide range of courses including Business Management, Accountancy, Finance, Economics, Business Studies, Marketing, Law, Logistics, Supply Chain, Events and Hospitality.  Placements usually commence between June and September and the main objective of the scheme is to provide the student with exposure to working in a business environment.  Typically, students will be employed in a role that has routine responsibility combined with longer term specific objectives.  

The University of Huddersfield's Placement Unit offers a professional placement service to employers and has a wealth of experience in facilitating the recruitment process and providing support and guidance throughout the placement period.  The quality of our service has been recognised by the National Undergraduate Employability Awards who have placed the Unit in the final line-up for Best University Placement Service for the last two consecutive years.


Professional Practice Placements

The Professional Practice module gives learners an opportunity to reflect on their personal and professional development and put theory into practice through professional work experience.  

A Professional Practice placement is a process of contextual learning providing work related learning to enhance student experience and employability. Opportunities involve partnerships between the organisation, the learner, and Huddersfield Business School, enhancing the organisation with the opportunity to provide an innovative project or experience to enhance the skills and embed knowledge into their workforce. Professional Practice placements have a duration of 6 months. 

Starting my professional placement was an easy transition as I could relate what I have learnt during my study to real life situations and I am enjoying the opportunity to put  

to practice what I learnt. I hope to get the experience needed for me to make an impact anywhere I find myself and also give me a smooth path to achieving my dreams.

Adesunmisola Judah Adelodun, Management with Leadership MSc (Professional Practice)

Contact Student Placements

Tel: 01484 472216 



Projects with partner Organisations

Several of our course modules, at both undergraduate and postgraduate levels, provide students with opportunities to put their knowledge into practice by working on "live" projects with partner organisations.  This is an excellent way for businesses and other organisations to work with our student talent, on an expense only basis, and raise the profile of their organisation on campus.  Organisations benefit from fresh thinking, new ideas and impartial analysis while students get hands-on experience of real business issues. 

Working in small groups, students develop a brief with the partner organisation, carry out the necessary work and then present their findings to the organisation and to their academic supervisors.  Examples of projects could include a market research exercise for a small company, analysis of potential international markets or assistance with business planning.  Organisations are invited to submit project proposals - if you have a project that you would like to put forward, please get in touch using the contact details below.

Contact Huddersfield Business School Enterprise 


Phone: 01484 472216 


Mechanical Engineering student Luke Rowley on placement at Vauxhall standing between two new cars

Funded Internships

Read about the University's funded internships here.

Huddersfield Business School staff members


Learn how our Placement Students can benefit your business.