Daphne Steele Building

What is the Daphne Steele Building?

This first building on the Southgate site is named after the UK’s first black matron, Daphne Steele, who emigrated to the UK from Guyana in the 1940s.

The building named in Daphne’s honour is the first of the exciting project that will help to improve health outcomes and lead innovation in healthcare for the North of England. It will bring together public-facing facilities including award-winning student-led clinics, and be a focus for entrepreneurial academic activity, serving the regional and wider health economy in strong public-private partnerships. Specialist clinical teaching facilities will provide unparalleled support for workforce development.

daphne steele portrait Landscape

Daphne Steel was built to a Platinum WELL standard

WELL is a performance-based system for measuring, certifying, and monitoring features of the built environment that impact human health and well-being, through air, water, nourishment, light, fitness, comfort and mind.

Find out more about the WELL Building Standard.

Specialist equipment and facilities

If you’re interested in studying one of our Health Professional degree courses, you’ll have a chance to study in our brand new building, the Daphne Steele Building, part of the National Health Innovation Campus.  

This building features state-of-the-art equipment and facilities for our midwifery, nursing, occupational therapy, operating department practice, paramedic science, physiotherapy, podiatry and speech and language therapy courses. 

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Facilities include

  • Gait lab, can be used by Physio, Podiatry and Occupational Therapy to analyse motion to help resolve walking issues and help with rehabilitation after accidents/operations.
  • Our Simbulance is used by our Paramedic Science course. This is an exact replica of a West Yorkshire ambulance that gives our students experience of working in the confines of an ambulance before they go out on placement.
  • Immersive simulator will be able to be used to simulate many different environments, from a road traffic collision for Paramedics to a home environment for Social Workers and can include video and sound to enhance the realism.
  • Low fidelity skill labs are used to help give students necessary clinical skills such as cannulation, venepuncture, catheterisation  prior to them going out on placement in hospital settings.
  • High fidelity skill labs allow us to simulate various patient-based scenarios that students could experience whilst out on placement or once qualified, such as dealing with a cardiac arrest, the deteriorating patient, or just general patient care. The spaces have been designed to closely replicate a hospital setting. We are also able to replicate a busy, working, hospital ward.


  • Our orthotics lab is able to manufacture bespoke insoles to aid in managing lower limb problems. Our public facing podiatry clinic offers a musculoskeletal clinic where we can analyse movement in order to get the right solution.
  • Social spaces have been designed so as to give staff and students a place to sit to just chat when not in lectures etc. There are small areas dotted around the building, and a main social space on the ground floor with a kitchen for staff and students to make use of.
  • Study spaces are quieter areas where students (and staff) are able to go to get work done away from the hustle and bustle of the building generally
  • PC labs are open access for staff/students to work from. They also have planned timetable teaching sessions.

Provision for health fields will grow by 60%

Due to the Daphne Steele building, over the next 5 years provision in fields such as nursing, midwifery, and allied health will grow by 60%

Specialist clinical teaching facilities

  • A mockup ‘residential home’ for use by occupational therapy, paramedic science, mental health nursing and social work / health and social care, where community-based simulated teaching can take place. 
  • Sports specialist teaching facilities.
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The Health and Wellbeing Academy

The Health and Wellbeing academy brings together our public-facing health facilities (clinics and research) and to be a focus for entrepreneurial academic activity, linked to the needs of the local health workforce and the regional health economy.

Public facing services

  • Our award-winning Podiatry Clinic, which services the needs of staff and public and provides much needed placement opportunities for students. 
  • A Gait and Performance Clinic that will enable individuals at all levels of sport and fitness to benefit from cutting-edge sports science testing. Our services are suitable for individuals and teams, from elite athletes to recreational exercisers.
  • Get Set Goal is a service that is committed to improving the health and wellness of individuals and communities by helping people to achieve personal goals by making informed and positive lifestyle choices.
  • New Sports and Physiotherapy Clinics, parent and child clinics, mental health clinics and public facing spaces oriented to the work of social science groupings.
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A tour of the Daphne Steele Building at our National Health Innovation Campus

Watch the video tour of our new Daphne Steele Building, the first development on our National Health Innovation Campus in Huddersfield.

How to get from Queensgate Campus to Daphne Steele 

Walking between Queensgate Campus and Daphne Steele takes around 12 minutes. The route is completely accessible.

Please use this downloadable Map of Queensgate to Daphne Steele to help you find your way.

Parking for Daphne Steele 

Southgate - HD1 1SG (132 bays and 8 disabled bays) 

See other parking

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To discuss investment opportunities, contact:

Professor Liz Towns-Andrews, 3M Professor of Innovation

Tel: 07540 672953
Email: L.Towns-Andrews@hud.ac.uk