Environment and Sustainability

Take a few moments to walk with us on the ‘greener side’ and you’ll discover we’re more than just a great place to learn, we’re also committed to a green agenda that’s as extensive and forward thinking as our courses.

It’s elemental

Respect and integrity. Short, yet profound words, which just about sum up our ambitions when it comes to thinking about our University and how we want to deal with the world around us. Embracing these as our core values means we are continually pushing for higher environmental and social standards in how we run our Uni and working hard to bring ‘green’ into the mix with everything that we do.

You don’t just need to take our word for it though… continually setting ourselves new challenges has started a green evolution on our campuses and we think our growing awards and achievements over the years speak for themselves.

Things we do

Whether it’s taking on a new local milk supplier, sourcing trendy recycled-content furniture to kit out our student areas, or extending our experiences of fair trading out to the local community, sustainability cuts across all our activities at Uni.

Live green

Sustainable living is essential to the student experience we offer. We ensure that thinking and acting green is becoming a way of life on campus, so that your time here can be as innocent as you want it to be. Through a combination of initiatives, including investments in new buildings that make the sustainability grade, buying low energy computers and equipment, and good energy and water management practices, we are consistently in the top 10 of all UK Universities on carbon emissions. We are proud to be consistently recognised as one of the greenest UK Universities (in the People and Planet Green League) for our environmental management.

We’d like to think that if everything else is equal, our green credentials will be the deciding factor on you coming to join us here. If there’s anything more you want to know, follow the links below for all things green or drop us a line at environment@hud.ac.uk

Energy saving

Our air cooling systems run using canal water, a renewable resource, for over a third of our buildings.

Reducing waste

We regularly work miracles reconditioning furniture and re-covering chairs in trendy new fabrics to extend their life, as well as recycling 85% of our waste.

Conserving water

‘Rainwater recycling’ systems in our three newest buildings help maintain our excellent water conservation record.

Our ethics

All coffee served on our campuses is Fairtrade – meaning we are helping protect the world’s most disadvantaged people.

Working together

Our Students’ Union are committed to doing their bit too… see more about how they have reduced their environmental impact and about their Sound Impact Awards here.