Services for you at your University

Public access to library facilities

Free reference access
We welcome members of the public to use our library facilities for reference purposes free of charge. Just bring along two forms of recognised identification (one to include your current address) to our Reception Desk and you will be issued with a Guest Pass. You can use all available print-based and some audiovisual materials (subject to policy and licensing) and gain access to our Archives and Special Collections (may require appointment). You can also use a limited range of our computing facilities (please note you must be 18 or over).

National Health Innovation Campus

The National Health Innovation Campus will open in 2024. The campus will feature a range of public facing facilities, including our award-winning podiatry clinic which services the needs of the public, our THRIVE telehealth service, which has been established with partners Age UK Wakefield and Aspire and new sports and physiotherapy clinics, parent and child clinics and mental health clinics.

Podiatry Clinic

The University's Podiatry Clinic is open to anyone with a lower limb problem and accepts direct self-referral in addition to referrals from other Healthcare Professionals. You can see a Podiatrist for any foot or lower limb problems. At your first appointment a full assessment is completed to identify your specific requirements. To find out more please visit the Clinic's webpages.

Gait and Performance Clinic

The Gait and Performance Clinic enables individuals at all levels of sport and fitness to benefit from cutting-edge sports science testing. Our services are suitable for individuals and teams, from elite athletes to recreational exercisers.

Valli Opticians

Situated at the University of Huddersfield, offers a full Optometry service to the public including eye examinations, prescriptions and dispensing for spectacles and contact lenses. For more information please visit the Valli Opticians website.

Law Clinic

The University of Huddersfield’s Legal Advice Clinic can give free legal advice to members of the public. The advice is provided by the University’s law students under the supervision of experienced members of staff.

Health & Wellbeing Academy

The University of Huddersfield’s Health and Wellbeing Academy (HWA) aspires to be an international centre of excellence dedicated to improving the health and wellbeing of communities through innovation and collaboration.

Heritage Quay

Heritage Quay is the official archive for the University of Huddersfield, acting as the guardian of the archives of other organisations, families and individuals dating back over 200 years.
Its 21st-century role is to collect and secure the future of archives, both digital and physical, to preserve them for generations to come, making them as accessible and available as possible. You can find out what Heritage Quay has to offer by taking a look at its website - there are numerous events throughout the year.

Sports facilities - join Team Hud

Team Hud Associate memberships are available to purchase by people outside of the University who wish to access the Sport and Fitness facilities, to include the Sports Hall, Fitness Centre and Fitness Classes.

Associate membership packages start at £10.50/month and are available to purchase by adults 18 years and over. Team Hud also offer a College student membership for 18+ at £35 for 3 months.

If you are interested in a tour of our facilities or if you would like to speak with a member of staff then please contact us by either phone on, 01484 472093 or by email,

Further information can be found on the Team Hud website.